We provide advice on the development potential of your property or land and advice on the planning strategy to secure that potential. An appraisal would identify any constraints, the planning history of the site and any relevant planning policy.
Hatton Planning specialises in all areas of planning and development and tailor our services to the specific requirements of the clients. We advise a wide range of clients including private individuals, architects, developers, contractors and local authorities. We are happy to advise on projects of all sizes.
We advise, prepare and submit pre-application enquiries to the relevant local authority and attending pre-application meetings.
We prepare, submit and manage from inception through to determination planning application for all types of development and changes of use.
We provide interim support and advice to Councils in progressing Local Plans and delivering Development Management Services.
We represent clients’ interests where development proposals adversely affect their property or land.
Advising on the requirements to discharge planning conditions and managing the process to secure the approval of all conditions.
If you have had an application refused or have enforcement action pending we can submit an appeal on your behalf to the Planning Inspectorate.
We can ensure members of the public, councillors and other stakeholders get to hear about your development providing advice on public engagement strategy.
We provide advice on the permitted development rights for your property or land and prepare and submit applications for a certificate of lawful proposed or existing use/development on your behalf.
We will prepare a detailed Planning Statement or Design and Access Statement setting out the merits of your proposed development to support your planning application.
Team Work
In addition to our own services, we work with a wide range of other professionals including architects, transport consultants, ecologists, noise and air quality consultants and viability specialists. We can advise on the specific requirements for a project and can assist in pulling together the necessary professionals.
If you would like more information or have a particular planning issue please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below giving a brief outline of your enquiry, a contact number and a convenient time to call. We will contact you for a free no-obligation conversation and initial advice. Should you wish to then instruct us our fees will be set out in a clear fee proposal with no hidden extras.